Dustin Myers

Hello I'm Dustin

A software Engineer in the San Antonio area. I've spent the last 8 years managing warehouses and manufacturing facilities. While I did enjoy some of what I did, such as the people side of the job, I always felt like something was missing.

I wrote python scripts to make my daily routines easier and found my passion in coding. Since then I haven't stopped learning and writing code.

What I have learned








Outside of programming

My life outside of software engineering includes my 3 children and my wonderful wife. We enjoy anything outdoors such as camping, kayaking and hiking.

I also like football, mixed martial arts, and video games.


note keeper app

Note Keeper ++

A note keeping app I made using React. I Made this to help me keep track of my notes for the Thinkful bootcamp

pokemon app

Poke Battle

Have you ever been bored and wanted a nostalgia kick? I made this mini game just for that. I used React for this project.

dino platformer game

Platformer Game

Who doesn't like platforming games right? I made this game to stop my 5 year old son from turning off the wifi. I used Phaser, JavaScript, Jquery, and PostgreSQL.

road crosser game

Road Crosser Game

Can you navigate through the spiders to get the treasure? I made this to learn about Canvas. I used HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and Canvas.

Contact me